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Newsletter #14 - August

Peaceful August

There are some advantages to working when everyone else is on holiday: a boat shed just for our team, no traffic (except if you join the flow coming back from the beach!) and long days that allow you to enjoy the beautiful weather even late afterwork — yes we have had gorgeous weather in Brittany. Last month flew by like the preceding but in a more relaxed atmosphere which is always good. Conrad’s typical day included muscle strengthening before breakfast, work on the boat and kayaking or biking in the evening depending of the weather. Sports are great to release the pressure as well as getting ready for the intense efforts of solo sailing.

Get onboard !

We have 2 new partners on board, welcome to AETHIC and Frogs-in-NZ! The first created Sôvée, world's only sunscreen with a Triple-Filter, patented eco-compatible formula and the first to be certified Marine Positive. Helping AETHIC spread the word about sunscreen’s effect on coral and assist in making the ocean cleaner is very natural for our zero emissions project. Frogs-in-NZ also appeared as a great fit as they are a travel agency based in New-Zealand since 2001 and specialize in tailor made itineraries and services to travelers, expatriates, and people travelling under the Working Holidays Visa scheme. Their guide, blogs and app will help you find the best tips to visit beautiful New Zealand so don’t hesitate to contact them!

We’re still missing partners so please spread the word, if you know anyone who would want to be associated with the only eco project on the start line and one of the few bilingual entries in the race. We’ll be there but still need a little push so thanks for your help!

September program

This month promises to be full on as well for the #CrazyKiwi’s team:

5: putting the boat back in the water and first outings to follow

8 & 9: security briefings in Les Sables d’Olonne

14: official Vendée Globe press conference in Paris

23/24/25: Défi Azimut, last warm up race in Lorient

29/30: Grand Pavois boat show in la Rochelle with partner Oceanvolt

Every other day, hour, second is spent training on the water and preparing the boat before we leave for les Sables d’Olonne on October 14th!

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