Heading for the USA
May 7th, 11pm, 100% Natural Energy and her crew leave the dock in Lorient. After 4 months working on the boat, it is a special moment for skipper Conrad Colman who will get to know the vessel a little bit better.
For the first part of the journey, he will travel with Stephanie, a French photographer and sailing enthusiast, and Jay, an American rigger who lives in Brittany with his family on their boat. It is the perfect occasion to test the boat and rest a little before continuing on his how to complete the qualification process for the Vendée Globe race.
Conrad was kidding in today's email that he was glad to finally be able to sleep " it's insane to have to go to sea to get some good sleep but I'm really happy to be here and all is going well".
It should take around 4 days for the dream team to get to Horta in the Azores... more soon :-)