Newsletter April #11
Another month has flown by so here is a quick overview of what happened in our world in April.
100% Natural Energy is back on the water!
After a few weeks inside, she is finally in the harbour again and the mast has been stepped in as well. It feels very good to be afloat with the salty air reminding us that we will be sailing soon!
Our team has focused hard on installing the rig elements, hardware, electronics and security equipment to make sure the boat is ready to sail as soon as possible.

Signed up for the Vendée Globe Race!
We’ve finally finished all the paperwork involved in signing up, rather complex for a seasoned yacht. All we need now is a valid IMOCA certificate (proof that we comply with the rules for this Class of yacht) and 1500 miles solo for Conrad to qualify. He will sail with crew to the Azores while he sets up the systems and tunes ‘100% Natural Energy’, then he’ll continue solo to New York for a quick turn around to be ready to race on the 29th May. We are now so close :-)
CNN on board: a very invigorating visit!
Last weekend we were delighted to welcome aboard Shirley, Ellie and Tim from CNN Mainsail. It was a pleasure to share the challenges and the adventure with them and we look forward to seeing their program mid-May (we will keep you updated of course). A huge thanks to the team for their enthusiasm for the project.

Final days to participate in our crowdfunding campaign: it closes May 9th !
With already more than 75 backers and more than 56% of the objective reached, we have started the final countdown for our Fosburit campaign. Thanks to everyone already onboard and if you haven’t done so, please join us for the ride by clicking on this link before May 9th. Every amount counts, from 20 to 2000 and you will be part of this exciting adventure! Thank you!