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Update day 47: Merry Christmas
It's Christmas season and I'm sure you are all rushing around and sometimes lose track of which way is up. Sadly my boat has the same...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 47
C'est marrant comme le corps et l'esprit humain adaptent leur zone de confort rapidement. J'ai bien profité des conditions un peu plus...

Update day 47
It's funny how the human body and mind can adapt and grow their comfort zones so quickly. I have been enjoying the calm conditions to...

Oceanic Podcast #4
Listen to the latest podcast, live from the Southern Ocean, soon in the Pacific ! OCEANIC PODCAST #4 #offshore #Conradcolman #English...

Update day 44: pay day!
I am currently cruising down the edge of the exclusion zone, heading for a rendezvous with the Campbell Islands under New Zealand for...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 42: nuit sportive!
Tous les grincements, craquements, claquements qui font partie de mon quotidien ont pris une tournure plus menaçante depuis hier et...

Update, day 42: Keep trucking!
The creaks and groans, slams and bangs that are part of my daily life took on a more ominous tone last night with the news that Stephane...

Update day 41
The pounding on the windows is still there, but weaker now, as if the ocean has beaten itself into a peaceful weariness like the skipper...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 4: montagnes russes!
Le martèlement sur les hublots est toujours là mais un peu plus faible maintenant, comme si l'océan était un peu fatigué à l'image du...

Update J39: storm
Well, there's quite a breeze outside at the moment and the front is still approaching so it's going to blow harder before it even thinks...
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