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Newsletter #25, week 10
Cape Horn! After 66 days, 16 hours and 14 minutes of racing, Foresight Natural Energy passed Cape Horn. Having already been around the...

Update, day 70: Roaring Forties
Entering the "Roaring Forties", the band of latitude between 40 and 50 degrees south, is always a great moment. When going down the south...

Update day 68: Falkland Islands
Northwards! After rounding Isla de los Estados, the South American Sicily off the tip of the peninsula, I finally turned left for real...

Update, day 67: Cape Horn
Third time around and solo! It feels amazing to be finally around the last major landmark on the course and now focus on getting as much...

Newsletter #24: week 9
Epic start to 2017 After celebrating Christmas, things spiced up for the New Year. 2017 was looking great: Conrad was catching up with...

Update, day 64: chilly !
Ok, it's seriously COLD down here now. I have 1100 miles to go until the Horn but at 54 degrees south I am only a thousand miles from...

Update, day 56: Happy New Year !
Hi everyone Just a small note to say Happy New Year! Whether you're watching the silver ball fall in Times Square or watching the sun...

Nouvelles du bord: jour 52!
Je sais bien que le front froid est passé! Il fait un temps glacial ici à 52° sud dans une masse d'air froid, et sans moteur thermique ni...

Update, day 52: riding ahead of the storm!
Well, I certainly know that the cold front has passed over! It's freezing down here at 52 degrees south in a cold air mass, without a...

Nouvelles du bord 47: Joyeux Noël!
C'est la saison de Noël et je suis sûr que vous courez dans tous les sens et perdez parfois un peu vos repères. Malheureusement mon...
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