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Update day 32: Mast climb!
Without sounding too morbid, I feel a little like I'm sitting on death row and my fellow competitors have already been taken to have...

Oceanic podcast #3
Le podcast suivant est en anglais mais vous trouverez la traduction ci-dessous. OCEANIC PODCAST #3 Bienvenue à bord de Foresight Natural...

Oceanic podcast #3
Welcome onboard Foresight Natural Energy in a Southern Ocean Gale. OCEANIC PODCAST #3 #offshore #Conradcolman #English #offshoresailing...

Update: 1 month at sea!
One month at sea! Already?! And yet it seems to have taken its time. Time can fly by when wrestling with an unhinged sail, turning hours...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 28: départ de feu!
C'est dingue comme les choses peuvent très rapidement devenir hors de contrôle. Je voyais Arnaud (Boissières) sur l'horizon et j'étais...

Day 28: Fire on board!
It's amazing how quickly things can get out of control. In such a big safe boat it's pretty easy to survive, pleasurable to cruise along...

Update day 27: issues on board!
Today was not the best day to start Conrad's 33 year! Reached by sat phone, Conrad explained " an electric bypass destroyed one of the...

Oceanic Podcast #2
Bienvenue à bord de Foresight Natural Energy pour le second épisode des podcasts de Conrad, texte en français ci-dessous! OCEANIC PODCAST...

Oceanic Podcast #2
Come onboard Foresight Natural Energy to discover one of the many sounds and life at sea ! OCEANIC PODCAST #2 #offshore #Conradcolman...

Nouvelles du bord jour 22: Naviguer à 115%
Pas un nuage dans le ciel, pas de lune, mais des étoiles qui scintillent à l'infini. La croix du Sud me montre le chemin à suivre....
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