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Update, day 94
The miles to go are counting down (1662 as I write this), the latitude of Madiera is behind and I'm now even with Gibraltar so I'm back...

Newsletter #28: 1 week to go!
Catching the train! After a few tough days sailing North really fast on choppy seas, Conrad has entered a transition phase in the weather...

Newsletter #28: J-1 semaine !
Attraper le train! Après quelques jours éprouvants à remonter dans des alizés musclés sur une mer croisée, Conrad passe en ce moment par...

Update, day 91: Islands hoping
When we think about island archipelagos in the Atlantic the first vision that springs to mind is probably the white sands of the Windward...

Newsletter #27 - Week 12
2 important milestones After 85 days of racing, boats and skippers are starting to be tired. With the arrival of 3 more boats in Les...

Update, day 84: 3 circumnavigations!
Finally the winds have turned and strengthened so that my problematically unballanced sail setup of the small jib (I had to furl the Code...

Nouvelles, jour 80: le futur est vert!
Apparement le monde a un sens de l'humour. A part les phares au Cap Horn et sur les îles Malouines, je n'ai pas vu un seul humain, bateau...

Update, day 80: future is green!
Clearly the world has an ironic sense of humour. Aside from the lighthouses at Cape Horn and the Falklands, I have not seen another...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 80: les grains!
Le pot au noir à l'Equateur est connu pour ses périodes de calme et grains qui font faire des 360° au bateau! Je suis encore loin du pot...

Update day 80: squalls!
The doldrums at the equator are known for wide swaths of calm and raging rain squalls that can spin the wind around the clock and have...
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