Les nouvelles du bord, jour 8C'est fou à quel point les conditions peuvent changer en 24 heures en mer. Hier, je filais sous spi en me demandant pourquoi j'avais...
Update day 8: dragons!What a difference 24 hours can make at sea. Yesterday I was still flying along under spinnaker, instantly regretting moving back to the...
Nouvelles du bord: Jour 6S'échapper de Madère! Comme prévu, la course s'est séparée en plusieurs groupes avec les leaders qui talonnent Armel sur Banque Populaire...
Update Day 6: Escape from Madeira!The race has splintered into the expected groups with a breakaway group led by Armel on Banque Populaire and including all the new...
Update 10.11.2016Looking to see land on the horizon after several days at sea always has the same effect... The salty mariner in question is transfixed by...
Conrad in the Vendée Globe LiveConrad was invited in the Vendée Globe Live show, you can watch it here (8:40) #VendéeGlobe #Conradcolman #sailing #offshoresailing...
Day 3 - Update from Foresight Natural EnergyWelcome on board Foresight Natural Energy. Just writing day 3 gave me a shock because the time has flown by in a flurry of physical sail...
Follow the start live !#offshore #Conradcolman #English #offshoresailing #sailing #VendéeGlobe #oceanracing
Galileo becomes Foresight Natural EnergyWe are delighted to announce that we have secured a last minute sponsorship deal that will enable Conrad to share his incredible story...
Newsletter #15 SeptemberIndian Summer in Lorient One more month has flown by and October has arrived a little to soon for our taste! We have taken advantage of...