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Update, day 104: the writer is back!
This dismasting and jury rig experience has been so intensely emotional and such a challenge for my resolve I barely know where to start...

Update, day 103: jury rig
After dismasting on February 10th, Foresight Natural Energy is finally underway to les Sables d'Olonne. The kiwi skipper had to be very...

Update, day 101: moving!
After dismasting late Friday the 10th of February, Conrad is finally underway again. After dealing today with some more problems to...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 97: Démâté mais pas démotivé
Après une nuit ballotté par les flots dans une mer désordonnée, Conrad a pu ce matin faire l’état des lieux de son bateau et de ce qu’il...

Update day 97: dismasted but still motivated
After a very uncomfortable night in big swells with not much balance for the boat, Conrad was able this morning to assess the situation....
FLASH INFO: Conrad dismasted
At 23.00 French time this Friday the 10th February, Conrad Colman called his team to inform them that Imoca Foresight Natural Energy...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 94: anticipation!
Les miles défilent ( 1662 à l'heure où je vous parle), la latitude de Madère est dans mon sillage et je suis maintenant à celle de...

Update, day 94
The miles to go are counting down (1662 as I write this), the latitude of Madiera is behind and I'm now even with Gibraltar so I'm back...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 89: ça tape fort!
C'est difficile de taper parce que je n'arrive pas à garder mes doigts sur le clavier. Je suis toujours en train de remonter très près du...

Update day 89: Northwards upwind
It's hard to type because my fingers keep flying off the keyboard. I am still close reaching my way up the Atlantic and am making great...
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