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Heading for the USA
May 7th, 11pm, 100% Natural Energy and her crew leave the dock in Lorient. After 4 months working on the boat, it is a special moment for...

Newsletter March #10
We knew that March would be a busy month and it kept its promise! Here is a quick overview of what happened in the last few weeks and...

Newsletter Mars #10
Le mois de mars s'annonçait sportif et il a tenu ses promesses! Petit tour d'horizon des étapes franchies ce mois-ci et de ce qui nous...

La tournée des médias
Le 3 février dernier se tenait la première conférence de presse officielle de la course à Paris, dans le prestigieux Pavillon Gabriel....

Ship's log April 20th, the last one!
Position: 39 Degrees 57 North 001 Degrees 11 East Last day at sea! Less than 100 miles to go! I frequently get asked why I do this kind...
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