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Update, day 77: magic moments!
Thank you for your warm wishes and hearty breaths. It appears to have done the trick as I am making decent progress given the conditions...

Update day 76
I'm stuck! Just as yesterday I enjoyed an unexpected good run with ideal conditions to make miles northwards, now the weather files have...

Update, day 75
I have been pretty busy these last couple of days dealing with problems in my little corner of the world and now as I take up the...

Newsletter #25, week 10
Cape Horn! After 66 days, 16 hours and 14 minutes of racing, Foresight Natural Energy passed Cape Horn. Having already been around the...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 70: Les 40e rugissants
C'est toujours un moment important quand on entre dans les latitudes entre 40° et 50° sud, plus communément appelée " les 40e...

Update, day 70: Roaring Forties
Entering the "Roaring Forties", the band of latitude between 40 and 50 degrees south, is always a great moment. When going down the south...

Update day 68: Falkland Islands
Northwards! After rounding Isla de los Estados, the South American Sicily off the tip of the peninsula, I finally turned left for real...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 67: Cap Horn
Troisième fois au Cap Horn et celle-ci en solitaire! C'est un sentiment génial que d'avoir passé le dernier point le plus important du...

Update, day 67: Cape Horn
Third time around and solo! It feels amazing to be finally around the last major landmark on the course and now focus on getting as much...

Update, day 66: "doublethink"
George Orwell's dystopian sci-fi novel, 1984, was famous for many things. Flying helicopter cars, centralized authoritarian governments...
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