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Update day 97: dismasted but still motivated
After a very uncomfortable night in big swells with not much balance for the boat, Conrad was able this morning to assess the situation....
FLASH INFO: Conrad dismasted
At 23.00 French time this Friday the 10th February, Conrad Colman called his team to inform them that Imoca Foresight Natural Energy...

Newsletter #28: 1 week to go!
Catching the train! After a few tough days sailing North really fast on choppy seas, Conrad has entered a transition phase in the weather...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 91: d'îles en îles
Quand on pense aux îles de l'Atlantique, la première vision qui nous vient est souvent celle des plages de sable blanc des Caraïbes. On...

Update, day 91: Islands hoping
When we think about island archipelagos in the Atlantic the first vision that springs to mind is probably the white sands of the Windward...

Update day 89: Northwards upwind
It's hard to type because my fingers keep flying off the keyboard. I am still close reaching my way up the Atlantic and am making great...

Newsletter #27 - Semaine 12
2 étapes importantes Après 85 jours de course, les bateaux et les skippers commencent à être fatigués. Avec l’arrivée de 3 bateaux de...

Newsletter #27 - Week 12
2 important milestones After 85 days of racing, boats and skippers are starting to be tired. With the arrival of 3 more boats in Les...

Nouvelles du bord, jour 84: 3 tours du monde!
Finalement, le vent a tourné et augmenté en intensité et mon J3 (petite voile d'avant) est adaptée aux conditions actuelles. Depuis hier,...

Update, day 84: 3 circumnavigations!
Finally the winds have turned and strengthened so that my problematically unballanced sail setup of the small jib (I had to furl the Code...
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