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Welcome to solo ocean racing
#voile #VendéeGlobe #courseaularge #Conradcolman #offshore #Français #English #oceanracing

Newsletter #14 - August
Peaceful August There are some advantages to working when everyone else is on holiday: a boat shed just for our team, no traffic (except...

Conrad "goes blue" with AETHIC's Sôvée
Conrad Colman, whose yacht is 100% naturally powered, is joining the fight to save coral from sunscreen damage with The Going Blue...

Newsletter #13 - July 2016
Summer refit While everyone else is heading for the beach, 100% Natural Energy and her technical team have set up their new headquarters...

New York / Vendée finish
After 14 days 6 hours and 55 minutes of racing, 100% Natural Energy has arrived in Vendée taking the 12th place. The oldest boat in the...

Fun under Spi !
I looked into my bag of tricks yesterday and saw that one remained. In the 5000 miles I have now sailed on 100% Natural Energy I haven't...

Direct from the horses' mouth
Now this is more like it! No more pussyfooting about with old sails or dreaming of what might have been. The depression has rolled...

Yellow Submarine
News from our media man Stan Thuret « In the town where I was born, lived a man who sailed the sea. » Yesterday we felt like we were on...

Un petit mot de Stan
Il y a 4 jours nous quittions New-York et sa chaleur. Nous laissions derrière nous les lumières de Coney Island s'éloigner et les...

White and black
Yesterday was defined by striking contrasts as I fought my way through a blustery ridge to discover the promised land of easy reaching on...
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