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White and black
Yesterday was defined by striking contrasts as I fought my way through a blustery ridge to discover the promised land of easy reaching on...

Le chasseur et les chassés!
100% Natural Energy Hier nous avions le sentiment d’être complètement hors de la course avec qui dérivait dans la pétole, les voiles...

Hunter and the hunted
Yesterday I felt completely out of the race as 100% Natural Energy drifted around in circles, sails flapping uselessly. Thankfully, the...

No wind!
Slap, creak, groan........ BANG! Not the sounds of a happy ship but one that has ground to a halt south of the Nantucket shoals. Gentle...

Vidéo de la parade New-Yorkaise
Dans le but de promouvoir la course au large, l'organisation a autorisé les reporters embarqués pouvant justifier d'une expérience photo,...

New York parade video
In order to promote the sport of offshore sailing, the race organization has authorized teams to bring a media man on board as long as...

New York New York !!!
With sailing (as with life really) it is rare that things go as planned. We were supposed to arrive in Newport, spend a week there to...

New York New York !!!
En bateau, il est rare que tout se déroule comme prévu. Nous devions arriver à Newport, y passer une semaine pour se préparer...

Premier voyage en solo !
Après l’effervescence des derniers mois je suis finalement seul sur mon bateau. Hier j’étais encore à terre, disant au revoir à mes...

First solo trip at sea !
DAY 1 After all the hustle and bustle of the last few months I'm finally alone in my solo sailing project. Only yesterday I was still on...
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