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Conrad in the Vendée Globe Live
Conrad was invited in the Vendée Globe Live show, you can watch it here (8:40) #VendéeGlobe #Conradcolman #sailing #offshoresailing...

Day 3 - Update from Foresight Natural Energy
Welcome on board Foresight Natural Energy. Just writing day 3 gave me a shock because the time has flown by in a flurry of physical sail...
Follow the start live !
#offshore #Conradcolman #English #offshoresailing #sailing #VendéeGlobe #oceanracing

Galileo becomes Foresight Natural Energy
We are delighted to announce that we have secured a last minute sponsorship deal that will enable Conrad to share his incredible story...

Newsletter #15 September
Indian Summer in Lorient One more month has flown by and October has arrived a little to soon for our taste! We have taken advantage of...

Welcome to solo ocean racing
#voile #VendéeGlobe #courseaularge #Conradcolman #offshore #Français #English #oceanracing

Newsletter #14 - August
Peaceful August There are some advantages to working when everyone else is on holiday: a boat shed just for our team, no traffic (except...

Conrad "goes blue" with AETHIC's Sôvée
Conrad Colman, whose yacht is 100% naturally powered, is joining the fight to save coral from sunscreen damage with The Going Blue...

Newsletter #13 - July 2016
Summer refit While everyone else is heading for the beach, 100% Natural Energy and her technical team have set up their new headquarters...

New York / Vendée finish
After 14 days 6 hours and 55 minutes of racing, 100% Natural Energy has arrived in Vendée taking the 12th place. The oldest boat in the...
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